About Asama-sanso

About Asama-sanso

About Asama-sanso

In 1972, Asama Sanso was owned by the Kawai Musical Instruments Manufacturing Health Insurance Association under the name "Karuizawa Recreation Center Asama Sanso'' and was located in what is now Karuizawa Lake New Town.

Karuizawa Lake New Town is a resort villa area that began development in 1962, with many hotels lined up, and a lake called Karuizawa Lake was completed in 1963, gaining popularity, but due to its location deep in the mountains, it was surrounded by competing resort areas. As it began to appear, its popularity gradually declined.

Currently, only a part of the original development area remains, and in 2007, an English-style garden called Karuizawa Lake Garden opened on the shores of Lake Karuizawa, but it is no longer as lively as it once was, and is now a quiet villa area deep in the mountains. It continues to exist.

About JRA

The Red Army Faction, also known as the Japanese Red Army (JRA), was a radical left-wing militant group in Japan. It emerged in the late 1960s and operated throughout the 1970s and 1980s. The group was influenced by various international leftist movements and ideologies, including Maoism and armed struggle.

The Red Army Faction's primary goal was to overthrow the Japanese government and establish a communist state. They believed in armed revolution and conducted various acts of violence to achieve their objectives. The group's activities included hijackings, hostage takings, bombings, and assassinations.

One of the most notable incidents involving the Red Army Faction was the hijacking of Japan Airlines Flight 351 in 1970. The hijackers demanded the release of imprisoned comrades and a ransom payment. The incident lasted several days and garnered significant international attention.

The Red Army Faction also formed alliances with other extremist groups and conducted joint operations. They had connections with Palestinian militant organizations and participated in several joint attacks, including the Lod Airport Massacre in Israel in 1972.

Over time, the group faced internal conflicts and splintered into different factions. Some members were arrested, while others fled to other countries, including Lebanon and North Korea, where they received support and sanctuary.

The activities of the Red Army Faction gradually declined in the 1980s, and by the 1990s, the group had largely disbanded. However, remnants of the organization continued to exist in various forms, and some former members remained involved in radical activities.

It's important to note that the Red Army Faction's actions were highly controversial and considered acts of terrorism. Their activities caused loss of life, injuries, and significant disruptions to society. The group's history represents a turbulent period in Japan's modern history and the global landscape of left-wing extremism.

Copyright ©


Asama Sanso Rediscovered

All rights Reserved

Nyozekai General Incorporated Association

Japan, Nagano, Karuizawa, Hotchi, 342-59

Copyright ©


Asama Sanso Rediscovered

All rights Reserved

Nyozekai General Incorporated Association

Japan, Nagano, Karuizawa, Hotchi, 342-59