Common Wealth

Common Wealth

Common Wealth

Starting from public welfare capitalism

The concept of public welfare capitalism was advocated by Japanese entrepreneur Harazuto: Enterprises are social public instruments and should contribute to all relevant parties such as employees, customers, suppliers, communities, and the earth. Only then will the value of the enterprise be truly enhanced. It cannot only consider the enterprise itself and its interests of the company's shareholders.

We believe that not only enterprises, but also starting from Adam Smith's concept of "rational man", "rational people will pursue the maximization of their own interests. If everyone does this, society will also maximize its interests." This idea has now reached its end.

Society has been hijacked by capitalists, along with its values. From companies to individuals, everyone is endlessly pursuing interests. However, society is already showing signs of fatigue, the middle class is in decline, and social education, medical services, and social welfare are all collapsing.

Leave no one behind

We are based on the idea that there is more than enough in the world for all people's survival needs.

Especially in today's highly developed market economy, countless amounts of food are wasted every day, and countless people starve to death at the same time. Not only that, there are countless working-class people living without dignity, and there are large tracts of vacant land and resources that no one is using.

We hope to provide hope to people in need and allow them to live with dignity. We hope that the more fortunate people will pay attention to social injustice and take practical actions to improve social well-being.

We want to implement a mechanism so that people who invest more money and resources, and are luckier, will have different benefits than people who have no money. For people with money and those without money, the marginal effect of money is different. One million is a huge sum of money for the poor, but not necessarily for the billionaires.

Check in" Asama Villa

Located here, we focus on the foundation laid by our forefather's [public welfare capitalism]. We aim to foster notions of widespread affluence and mutual relief, achieved through refinement and optimization.

Common relief

Assisting the middle-class and disadvantaged individuals to attain improved employment prospects and living conditions. Encourage those with wealth, resources, and greater fortune to donate more. Offer an opportunity to those within and below the middle class.

Mining mechanism

Production ingredients can be traded for tokens. Work (efforts required to execute the project). Social assets (popularity, admirers). Networking assets, property rights, among others.


For those overlooked in our community, the underprivileged individuals—Offer them a secure refuge, a protective environment—Ensure the fundamentals of life's necessities.


"A person's greatness is not because of how much wealth he has, but because of how much he has done for others." -Martin Luther King

Resident character

Delight in the virtues of selflessness, Take an active role in philanthropy, Engage in monthly dialogues with locals, Exude principles in your way of life and work, Foster strong bonds with the community, Strive to make the initiative a resonating philosophy.

Provide mining

Independently and tasks for inhabitants Generate income stream “Mining” for all Remit KY tokens

Give back to society

In the presence of impoverished, homeless, lower-class individuals, Our utmost effort must be directed towards aid that endures. Instructing a man to fish surpasses giving him fish outright

Technological Revolution

Leverage networking, progressive blockchain, and additional tech for a boundary-less trade of production elements. Abolish wealth disparity.

Asama Sanso X Kusama Yayoi

The Asama Villa Project Token, AS, and Yayoi Kusama project token, KY1, each anchor a Bitcoin's price. A single KY marks the cost of one square millimeter of a Yayoi Kusama artwork. Compute the mean price utilizing yearly public market trade data.

For project details, please refer to Yayoi Kusama Project PPT

1 AS = 1 Bitcoin, permanently anchoring the price of Bitcoin

1 AS = Resident of Asama Villa

USD$65000 @4.21.2024

Available for sale at any time on the open market

As long as you hold 1 AS, you have the right to discount conversion

Free gifts to those who make special contributions

New residents need the consent of all previous residents

Convert to KY at a certain percentage discount

1 KY = 1 square millimeter 1mm² forever anchors the average transaction price of Yayoi Kusama in the public auction market

USD$6.65 @2024.2

Use real paintings as underlying assets

This part of the assets is provided for mining purposes

Automatically adjusted entirely based on open market data

All stored in professional art warehouse


Our objective is to establish an ecosystem, wherein the currency is the KY coin, founded on Bitcoin's idea. As an analogue, Bitcoin's market value was USD$1.25 trillion in February 2024. We can mint a total of 105,543,000mm² coins (160cm x 130.3cm x 50 x 100). The quantity equates to 50 artworks, where 1cm²=100mm². Presently, each KY coin's theoretical worth is USD$ 11843.511. Thus, 1,250,000,000,000,000 / 105,543,000 = 11843.514017983191685. Correspondingly, the transition price between AS and KY, theoretically, is 43,106.42 / 11843.51 = 3.639665943626509. Our ambition is that as we intensify capacity, the end-group's growth rate without wealth surpasses the growth rate of the end-group with abundant wealth. This fulfills the project's primary aim.

Picasso X Asama Sanso

The project's inaugural exhibition confronts two contentious topics: Picasso's later anti-Catholic art, comprising over 300 pieces, will have its first comprehensive Asian showcase, and the infamous Showa era site in Japan, Senamasanso - noted for the 'Asamasanso Incident', will also be featured.

Tickets sold as NFT

The ticket is the Yayoi Kusama project token "KY" There is no actual ticket, one entry will consume one KY Use this to promote the promotion and sales of KY tokens

Great advertising effect

Three hundred Picassos, first in Asia Banned by the Catholic Church for half a century Asama Villa #Communist Party #Karuizawa

Linked with Yayoi Kusama Token Project

Linking up with the Yayoi Kusama project Can be used as the actual asset backing behind the token It can also be used to provide cash flow brought by exhibitions

Picasso/Asama Villa
Summer 2024 Karuizawa

Advocate for women's birth control and right to abort. Works that confront the Pope head-on are gravely insulting. Half a century post the art being outlawed, the initial comprehensive showcase happens in Asia.
Modern Japanese history's Asama Villa Red Army event—still quite relevant in today's society
1400 Breasts
300 XXX
800 pieces of XXX
Absolute electronic cash scheme/all admissions are crypto-assets All spectators become initiative stakeholders Involved in combined gallery policy-making


Those purchasing coins have the privilege to propose other inhabitants for residency. Entry as a resident is only attainable via nomination from a current member. If a resident is found to have falsified details post-review, the nominator bears certain responsibilities. Mining is exclusively for residents, with opportunities extended to other members. Unlawful transactions are strictly prohibited, with the unlawful criteria being democratically defined. Contributions to our community through your unique business can be traded for resources. For instance, restaurateur residents can offer complimentary food and services to other members or those in need, with KY coins serving as mining tokens. The project aims to broaden its appeal to all wealth classes by delivering value, fostering a plan supportive of philanthropic capitalism. Initially, we necessitate copious amounts of information to ensure our plan isn't misused for fraudulent practices. However, if one is hesitant to disclose personal information, alternative identification methods can be provided such as a unique twelve-word code via current blockchain technology. Please note, subsequent processes will necessitate authentic information.

Check in

There's a need to establish a finite sum, ensuring individuals can rapidly attain this level prior to reaching it. For instance, the firm's annual earnings will be initially allocated to those who aren't financially secure. After surpassing a certain threshold, the interest generated by this sum can sustain their basic needs. Even though it may not provide a lavish lifestyle, it isn't our aim. We desire everyone to live a respectable life. Therefore, reflecting on this, we must have designated personnel to oversee the assessment of each person's eligibility. If a case of deception is detected, the perpetrator will face permanent expulsion from our ecosystem, ceasing any interaction.

We require a system to guarantee that individuals who genuinely lack funds receive the same opportunities that recur annually in our society. It's also critical to incorporate the idea of trustworthiness and the review of personal characteristics here. If there's an individual with a consistently negative reputation, demonstrating selfishness, devoid of altruism, with no inclination to aid others or support social well-being, then we carry no concern towards such individuals.
We could also contemplate commencing from a spiritual viewpoint. For instance, by studying a set number of Buddhist scriptures and duplicating a specific amount of Buddhist scriptures, we can also dispense tokens as a reward. What weight would be appropriate to allow an individual, whether in China, the United States, or Japan, to sustain a standard existence free from worries over necessities like food and clothing, encompassing raising a family, including matrimony and offspring, and living a routine life? We need to establish this number.

Mining mechanism

The fundamental principle is reciprocal assistance. By pooling their unique assets, collective joy can be achieved by all involved. Joy is evaluated not solely through monetary means, yet also encompasses bliss in existence, happiness in spiritual belief, and so on.

Labor Force

Help improve projects
Maintain community records
Ensure workforce records
Contribute your language skills
Contribute your expertise

Relationship Network

Provide us with necessary relationship support
Introduce partners
Open up local bureaucracy

Business and Cash Flow

Can offer commercial aidSupport in funds managementOffer liquid assistance to friends needing to relocateOffer reciprocal aid with trade assets in the community

Provide Expertise

Physician, attorney, public official and experts across numerous domains can offer their professional guidance in exchange for token values.

Based on Yayoi Kusama Provide mining mechanism

Tokens can be exchanged for chances to partner with us or related entities. Secure a consistent revenue stream through collaboration with DripTong. We offer the most cost-effective remuneration in developed countries. Merge isolated productivity elements from diverse areas smoothly through our online platform. By incorporating blockchain technology, uncomplicated international dealings are enabled. Our hope is for this infrastructure to eliminate the unfair valuation of production elements brought about by national boundaries.

Mining Jobs

Design a complete set of AS and KY decision-making mechanisms

Based on cooperation with Drip Irrigation Tong

Records of all current work on the chain

School exhibition arrangement logistics

Design future cash flow mechanisms

Based on existing art collection

Routine maintenance of all paintings

Hong Kong, Tokyo, Los Angeles Executives

Resident Villa Manager

Contact a third party for refurbishment

Install SECOM alarm system

Consider arranging permanent security

Daily cleaning

Install security doors on each floor

Assist with data verification for low-income groups

Social benefits versus costs

We use our own life experience in multiple countries to compare, including mainland China, Japan, the United States and Hong Kong.

Exchange rate figures are: February 1, 2024

Living and security costs
Living and security costs

Cancer & other Diseases
Cancer & other Diseases
Cancer & other Diseases
Social Welfare Benefits
Social Welfare Benefits
Social Welfare Benefits
Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage
House Price
House Price
House Price
Maximum payment amount
All the above free
unemployment insurance

Social assistance/monthly payment
1,113 yen / 56 RMB
Average price 32,000

City center 86,000
United States
United States

United States California

If it meets the low-income group
Fee exemption, limited to public hospitals
Social assistance/monthly payment
15.5 USD / 110 RMB
Average price 21,000
City center 55,000
Hong Kong China
Hong Kong China
Hong Kong China
No restriction on crowd, free in public hospitals.
But there is a long queue, and private hospitals are too expensive
40 HKD / 36 RMB
Average price 141,000
City center 228,000
Shanghai China
Shanghai China
Shanghai China
Cancer and other major disease projects
Most of them are self-pay, and imported drugs are expensive
18 RMB
Average price 55,000
City center 152,000

Immigration considerations

If you have tokens worth 20 million yen, you can apply for a business management visa in Japan, so you can come and live in Japan.
If you hold tokens worth over 1 million US dollars, you can consider investing in the United States as an immigrant.
Since the project requires the company's actual profits and actual turnover, Asama Villa's own project can provide assistance, and companies in our community can also provide assistance.

Check in

Once the project is invested, we will make profits through various other projects, whether buying a building for rent, buying Bitcoin for mining, or whatever, but it must be a stable cash flow and no risk investment. Then use 20-30%, or even 50%, as "mining" projects distributed to the poor to provide employment and the opportunity to work through the Internet, so that people from anywhere in the world can "live in" Asama Villa.

Our first project is an exhibition of 350 works by Picasso.

For example, now everyone can earn income by delivering food, driving Uber, etc., and will not starve to death. We just want to realize such a platform. People with businesses can contribute their business’s cash flow and job opportunities, and this can be done online.

The present inquiry is about the origin of our revenue. Currently, our main consideration for widespread income generation is to make our premises accessible to the public. By doing this, we can charge admission fees and concurrently host art exhibits, along with conducting summer workshops in partnership with Hong Kong schools, and so forth. Our art-centric revenue comes primarily through these exhibit events. Additionally, there exist more straightforward strategies, like purchasing and operating a mining machine, or investing in real estate for rental yields. All these dimensions contribute to our cash flow.
We may equally contemplate beginning with a spiritual viewpoint. For instance, studying a set number of Buddhist teachings and replicating a set quantity of Buddhist scriptures might also yield tokens in return. How many pounds would suffice for an individual in China, America, or Japan to lead a standard life devoid of concerns about basic sustenance, inclusive of supporting a family, considering the idea of marriage and offspring, while maintaining a stable existence? We require to ascertain this figure.

Copyright ©


Asama Sanso Rediscovered

All rights Reserved

Nyozekai General Incorporated Association

Japan, Nagano, Karuizawa, Hotchi, 342-59

Copyright ©


Asama Sanso Rediscovered

All rights Reserved

Nyozekai General Incorporated Association

Japan, Nagano, Karuizawa, Hotchi, 342-59